Tuesday 3 March 2015

WHAT ABOUT HIM?? Ever Heard of him?? Seen him somewhere?? Do you happen to know him?? Well read this out....
          His real name is HONEST LAURENT MUSHI,born in 1st March 1994,Moshi-Tanzania. He began his education at Heavenlight Nursery and Primary school in Arusha-Tanzania,where he managed to study till Grade three (3) before moving to Ipagala Nursery & Primary school, Dodoma-Tanzania completing his primary school in 2008. In 2009, he joined DCT-Jubilee of which he was there for 4 years completing his o-level education. In 2013 he opted for college education thus moving to University Computing Centre Dodoma Branch taking Information Technology to the present as a Diploma I scholar.
          TALK ABOUT HIS PERSONALITY AND LIFE STYLE, Honest or as he prefers calling himself "NEW HONEST" is indeed one of a kind young man. My whole life I've seen this NEW HONEST that is very different from the rest of the youth. He is A MAN WITH PRINCIPLES and most of all A GOD FEARING MAN too. The other side of him is that NEW HONEST is a comedian. He is extremely funny in a way that out of his 50 words believe me 40 will make you laugh out loud but again once he turns serious....he's a complete different story.
          As a young man Leardership lives within him too. For as long as I have known him,he always strives just to make a difference in any society in which he lives. Something just tells me that he is for sure the next big thing not just for his country but the world in particular. NEW HONEST as the big brother of THE GREAT FAMILY also has a huge role to play to the rest of the youth in the society.

INSTAGRAM: newhonest
CONTACT: 0653 265885
FACEBOOK: honest Laurent
EMAIL: honestmushi17@yahoo.com


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Hongera Honest! Unaonekana ni kijana mwenye ndoto kubwa!! Ila mhh kweli wewe ni mcheshi?? Mbona unaonekana serious